Moken boats

Collecting butterflies

ButterflyNight comes early in the tropics. So we had to switch on the lights already for dinner. Much to the delight of a couple of geckos living under the ceiling, we always attracted a number of butterflies, when anchoring off the island of Lampi. The other islands seem to be too small for butterflies, as they get blown away. So when starting the morning, it was a good idea to do a sightseeing walk along the upper deck and check for the "catch" of last night. Of course most butterflies and moth looked the way they normally do. But some would never have been recognized if not sitting on white painted metal. The left side one probably tryed to look like a piece of bark. Butterfly
This butterfly on the right folds it's wings to a funnel, pretending to be one of the funnel-shaped fungi we found in the jungle all over.

Butterfly Butterfly

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