The overnight hike

my guide and me

A plan for something bigger: From Telegraph saddle my guide Lou and I would go through a burned-down area of gum trees into the tree fern jungle to Sealers cove. There, we should have a rest and go on to Refuge cove to stay there for the night. We would then go on southwards to a lighthouse and back via Telegraph track. Only the two of us.

In fact, where ever I went in Australia nobody needs a guide only to prevent getting lost - one cannot. At least not where I've been. But coming from the different corner of the planet, it's much more rewarding to get explanations for the things you see. And - at least for such long walks - it's good not to need to carry all your stuff. Tour providers have their tricks to make the thing really convenient...

I liked the idea to do so and the sites we've seen were great. So in the evening when sitting in the tent I felt seeing these places again next day from a different side and with different sun direction was much more tempting than doing telegraph track again. So I asked Lou for her opinion, if there was any problem simply to go back to where we came from. There wasn't and so I haven't seen the lighthouse, but really enjoyed the walk at full length.

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by IKO